Month: April 2013

Henna it up!

Image I love henna! I recently went to a Tibetan shop and bought some pre-made henna in a tube. I have never done henna before so I decided to give it a try. I was so afraid I was going to mess up!

It wasn’t hard to use at all. Applying henna is actually really simple and super fun.


  • Buy henna paste or a kit. (Make the henna if you bought a kit)
  • Simply apply the henna paste to your skin like you’re laying rope on the ground, don’t use it like a marker. 
  • Leave the henna on for 4-8 hours
  • Then you can peel off the henna paste 

After you make your design, allow it to dry for a couple minutes and apply liquid bandage over your henna design. 

* I have also heard that you can use liquid hair gel, or lemon and sugar. For more information on ways you can set your henna, feel free to google it. (I’m sorry I’m no help in that department!)


 To set the henna paste, I applied liquid band aid to the location. This will allow the color to become darker and last longer. 

This only lasts for a couple of days! 


Sweater Weather

ImageRecently I have been searching for new artists and I came across The Neighbourhood. Oh lord. They are fantastic. Their album I’m Sorry… is amazing and you can purchase it on iTunes.

The first song I heard from The Neighbourhood was Sweater Weather. (fantastic song!) I recommend this band to anyone who enjoys The Weeknd.(which is another favorite artist of mine)

If you like indie pop/rock/alternative music, The Neighbourhood is the one for you!

Check them out on youtube and iTunes!

What song are you loving right now? Leave a comment below!
